Our Pursuit

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to God” –Colossians 3:16

Picture of bible study

As believers who are regenerated with God’s life, we need to daily eat and drink of Him. God ultimately desires that all men come to know Him and to the full knowledge of the truth.

The Church in Canberra encourages all believers to participate in daily pursuing of the Word of God for nourishment. Members of various age groups enjoy coming together to pursue the morning nourishment in their respective small group gatherings. Also, students and young working ones gather in the homes to pursue life messages and to encourage each other to function. Through continuous life practices such as calling on the name of the Lord, singing and pray-reading, Christ adds Himself more into us, enabling us to live a life worthy of the gospel of God. Through daily eating and drinking, the believers are being rooted in Christ and are being built up in Him (Col. 2:7).